We frequently assist clients whose parents or relatives recently died and our client was named as the Executor in the decedent’s Will. The Executor now wants to sell the house and distribute the proceeds as per the Will and they want to know when can they legally sell the property. The first step after someone… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Uncategorized
In many cases clients have their first Will, Medical and General Powers of Attorney and Living Will prepared after they are married or have children or after they purchase their first home. But then the question is when I do I need to update my documents. My rule of thumb is that you should review… Read more »
Rates are at a Historical Low
All one has to do is go on the internet or turn on the television to see the financial world is in flux. (Below are some links showing the same). While there are definitely some negative aspects, there are a few positive ones as well. One in particular is that mortgage rates are at an… Read more »
Rates are High, so I’ll wait to buy:
One of the things we often hear from prospective buyers is, “Mortgage rates are high, so I’m waiting for them to come down before I buy”. While in theory this is a good idea, the reality is there is no real way to forecast when they will come down, and how much they will come… Read more »
Rates are High, so I’ll wait to Buy:
One of the things we often hear from prospective buyers is, “Mortgage rates are high, so I’m waiting for them to come down before I buy”. While in theory this is a good idea, the reality is there is no real way to forecast when they will come down, and how much they will come… Read more »
I am Pre-Approved
One of the things we often hear about from clients when we discuss the mortgage contingency is, “I am pre-approved, so I am not worried about getting the mortgage”. Nothing can be further from the truth. Just because you have a pre-approval letter, in no way means that you will be guarantied a mortgage commitment,… Read more »
How Important is Attorney Review?
A question we are often asked from potential clients is “how important is Attorney Review”? The answer is very. As stated in a previous post, the form realtor’s contract (most often the NJAR Contract), is full of items that are not normal in today’s market (i.e., liquidated damages, time of the essence provisions, Seller paying… Read more »
Advocate vs. Adversary
One of the brightest legal minds that I ever had the pleasure of working for gave me some strong advice that I have carried with me throughout my career. He said, “Andrew, you need to advocate your client’s position, but you do not need to be adversarial about it”. I have carried this advice with… Read more »
Thank you for your support
On behalf of our law firm we would like to thank those of you who have made last year one of our most successful years to date. Such thanks is not only warranted to our clients (who biasedly we appreciate the most), but also to those who are on the opposite side of the transaction… Read more »
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